
Context #

Plugin services should always get passed the Context or SalesChannelContext object to be able to better unit test the service. Only the entrypoint like the Shopware Request or an Command should create the Context.

Getting the current Context #

For each Request the normal Context will be created and lives in the attributes of the Request object. When it is a Storefront Request the attributes also contains the SalesChannelContext.

/** @var Context $context */
$context = $request->attributes->get(PlatformRequest::ATTRIBUTE_CONTEXT_OBJECT);
/** @var SalesChannelContext $context */
$salesChannelContext = $request->attributes->get(PlatformRequest::ATTRIBUTE_SALES_CHANNEL_CONTEXT_OBJECT);

Creating a Context #

Context #

The normal Context can be created using Context::createDefaultContext

By using createDefaultContext the default language and default currency will be used.

The given language inside the Context will be used for all default translations. When the default language differs from the context language, the default translation has to be given in the translations array. Example

    "name": "Context Language",
    "translations": {
        "LANGUAGE-ID": {
            "name": "Language Translation"

SalesChannelContext #

A SalesChannelContext can be created using service Shopware\Core\System\SalesChannel\Context\SalesChannelContextFactory. Inject it into your class and call the create function with an random generated token (normally the user session id) and the salesChannelId.

With the third $options you can override the logged in user, the used language, the currency and more.


In the API the Context can be controlled using the sw-language-id and sw-currency-id header.

GET /api/search/product
sw-language-id: my-language-id

All content will be in the translated property in that language.

    "data": [
            "id": "my-product-id",
            "translated": {
                "name": "My Product"